Anomalous Images From Russia #10

These are some of the strange photos which I spoke to you about. First of all , I will describe the people in the photos. From left to right. The journalist Vladislav Drojashih. My girlfriend Natasha. The journalist and my friend Ury Belikov. The scientist and expert in systems of the analysis from city Tomsk - Mark Totmeninov. Emil Bachurin - person opening an abnormal zone Molyobka in 1983. Overhead Emil Bachurin you can see a transparent power ball. When I photographed friends I had suggested to them to think about opportunities of contact with other conciousness. I photographed with flash. This ball I saw as a light-blue light stain. Ury Belikov (stalker of an abnormal zone and the large expert on photographing invisible power balls) spoke me in which party it is necessary to photograph. We managed photograph movement (traffic) of the ball. Here you can see dynamics (changes) of its movement when I panned the camera left to right and photographed the ball.[ Mol0021.jpg - > Mol0023.jpg - > Mol0024.jpg] On photo [0021] the edge of the ball in the left-hand bottom corner and the ball in the left-hand edge closer to the middle can be seen. In the following photo [0023] the ball revolves slightly. It is again in the left-hand part. In right top part of the photo a strange light in form of a strip was received. There was nothing in this place. In the last photo [0024] the ball is quite visible at the edge of a building, it is hidden by the house. What can it be?

Soon I will send you other photos made in the abnormal zone. You will see that it really a very strange and beautiful place.

Nikolay Subbotin (
RUFORS (Russian UFO Research Station)
PO BOX 6303, Perm, Russia 614010
Tel/fax 7-3422-450184

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